Powers: Simplifying Expressions with Exponents

Content of this page:

  • Introduction

  • Properties of exponentials

  • Solved Exercises: Simplifying Expressions with Exponents


Power is an expression of this type

ab = a · a · · · a · a

that represents the result of multiplying the base, a, by itself as many times as the exponent, b, indicates. We read it as "a to the power of b".

For example, 2 3 = 2·2·2 = 8 (the base is 2 and the exponent is 3).

Generally, the base as well as the exponent can be any number (real or complex) or they can even be a variable, unknown factor or parameter. The equations with the unknown factor is in the exponent are known as exponential equations.

A special case are powers whose exponents are fractions. In this case, the power represents a square root. They appear due to the need to solve an equation of the type x n = a.

Another special case are powers with a base of 10, ones with this appearance 10 n. If n is a natural number (0, 1, 2, 3,...) the result is 10...0, being n the number of 0's. If n is a negative number (-1, -2, -3, -4,...), the result is 0.00...1 where the value of n in positive indicates the number of 0's counting the 0 before the comma. These are the type of powers used in scientific notation.

Finally, we'll say that the power elevated to 0 is always 1, so, x 0 = 1.

In this section, the activities are in order of increasing difficulty: we use the properties of exponentials (power of products, power of quotient, power of a power,..) and, after we'll simplify expressions formed by powers (parenthesis, fractions, negative exponents, parameters..).



product of powers property, power of a product property


power of a power property


quotient of powers property

Negative exponent

negative exponent property


exponent -1: inverse

Inverse of inverse

inverse of the inverse

Solved Activities

Exercise 1

solved exercises: simplifying exponents and powers

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Exercise 2

solved exercises: simplifying exponents and powers

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Exercise 3

solved exercises: simplifying exponents and powers

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Exercise 4

solved exercises: simplifying exponents and powers

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Exercise 5

solved exercises: simplifying exponents and powers

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Exercise 6

solved exercises: simplifying exponents and powers

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Exercise 7

solved exercises: simplifying exponents and powers

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Exercise 8

solved exercises: simplifying exponents and powers

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Exercise 9

solved exercises: simplifying exponents and powers

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Exercise 10

solved exercises: simplifying exponents and powers

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Exercise 11

solved exercises: simplifying exponents and powers

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Exercise 12

solved exercises: simplifying exponents and powers

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Exercise 13

solved exercises: simplifying exponents and powers

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Exercise 14

solved exercises: simplifying exponents and powers

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Exercise 15

solved exercises: simplifying exponents and powers

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Matesfacil.com by J. Llopis is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.